Saturday, 27 October 2007

Walkies for Wolfy

Um ok yeah whatever... a wolf walk... Framestore style (well kinda)

Wolf Walk from sneakysquirrel on Vimeo.


Doctor Cerebro said...

the motion here is very nice. i just think that you could infuse some character on the walk, find a more interesting pose, make him look more menacing or something. it looks like the default pose so if you tweak it it could look pretty good, i think.

David Beer said...

um, yeah..I had real headaches with the rig, was lucky to just get it looking std.

i think if I'm going to spend more time, it would be on an actual action or someting, make out?

libra bear said...

Nick was saying he had lot of problems with this model as well. Every animation I've seen of this dog seems like people really struggle with him. I like the body, the head seems dead.

David Beer said...

ha yes...again... you know as soon as you start moving someting too much, it looses believability...not so much the rig this time, but the head moving alot, kinda implies the body is under strain (to me) These animal have an amazing way of keeping thier heads dead still, even when cruising.... Polar Bears are a real good example.
I suppose if i had a decent reference of a wolf walk..... any suggestions?

I really want to work on some sort of action shot though, i've had it with all these cycles....

David Beer said...

Mariano, to be honest, I was still struggling to get a std walk right.

I suppose the next step is something with more 'aaarrggg!!!!'

libra bear said...

The head movement is fine to me, I was actually thinking about the face, ears eyes nose, mouth it kind of looks like he's wearing a mask. Then again I don't know what you could do to give it more life, maybe have him pant? Just something in his face to suggest that he's alive (I don't know if this model has face controls, if it doesn't ignore what I said)

David Beer said...

fair enough, and very good point, especially considering we naturally look at a creatures eyes first.
Trouble is, this thing doesnt even have eye, ha ha! Ears...why didnt I think of that, i think I was so tied up with the back legs looking shite!

libra bear said...

NO EYES??!!!Seriously, you guys should find another quad model, Its limiting. Whats wrong with the back legs? I thought maybe it should have a slight spring on contact but too be honest it doesn't look wrong to me. Anyone?

Daniel M.C. Alvite said...

hey dude, it´s very nice for a normal walk, this rig is f....k but you did a good job there.

David Beer said...

ah, just cuase the legs look ok now, dont mean i didnt tweak them till i was blue in the face!

Find me a nice Quad rig, and I swear, by the powers of Grayskull, I shall break it in!

Nick said...

Hi dave,

I had all kinds of problem doing this rig. If you're looking for reference footage hit the BBC Motion Gallery. There's loads of quicktimes (very handy for reference footage as you can break it down frame by frame) for almost everything.

I used it to do my new wolf run, check it out on my blog and see what you think. Otherwise I'm very impressed as well.