Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Wolf Animation

Wolf Anim from sneakysquirrel on Vimeo.


Claudia Kleinheinz said...

Great animation Dave- I really love it!! You definitely mastered the realistic movements and got the characteristics of both animals in their walks. Fantastic work. Two picky comments: The wolve stops a bit too abruptly for my feeling and the elephant could feel a bit heavier. But those are really nit-picky things- these two shots are great!!

David Beer said...

Hi Claudia, thanks for being honest. I agree, the elephant could use more weight, especially reacting to the big moves. It was the first excercise i did, out of 4, and I have considered going back and doing another, with my new 'eyes' . I worked on this one for ages, so i decided to finnish it up and uplaod it. The Wolf/dog was a newer attempt. I agree, i had some trouble with the end of the anim, for some reason, every time i rendered it it would be out of time at the emd, have no idea, but i agree it halts too suddenly and a bit linear. I also tried to put a nice head move after the jump, but the primitie fk chest/neck/head was so difficult to smooth